Discuss and Interrelate the ff:
Data refers to a collection of natural phenomena descriptors including the results of experience, observation or experiment, or a set of premises.
This may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables.A data is created by the user that is stored in the computer as files.
Data structure is a way of storing data in the computer.So this how data and data structure interrelates.Storing data is a called data structure.
DBMS is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases based of data models.It interrelates data structure and data because the data you've stored will be manage by the DBMS.This is how they interrelates.
Datafile is also a database,which is a structure collection of records on data, it is an attribute of a datum which tells the computer and the programmer something about the kind of datum it is. This involves setting constraints on the datum, such as what values it can take and what operations may be performed upon it. Common data types may include: integers, floating-point numbers, and alphanumeric strings.It interrelates data and data structure because database is a structure of data.DBMS manages databases that is structured as files.
Data structure is a way of storing data in the computer.So this how data and data structure interrelates.Storing data is a called data structure.
DBMS is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases based of data models.It interrelates data structure and data because the data you've stored will be manage by the DBMS.This is how they interrelates.
Datafile is also a database,which is a structure collection of records on data, it is an attribute of a datum which tells the computer and the programmer something about the kind of datum it is. This involves setting constraints on the datum, such as what values it can take and what operations may be performed upon it. Common data types may include: integers, floating-point numbers, and alphanumeric strings.It interrelates data and data structure because database is a structure of data.DBMS manages databases that is structured as files.
INPUT- We need to input data in order us to have the output.We need to input data to gather some information,and also for processing,so we can have the knowledge.
PROCCES-Data process to organize it itself,in order to have an output in a proper way.It will be process to have as an information and knowledge.
OUTPUT-The output is for us the users,this called the print out materials to use as reference.
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